Reserve below
How does it work?
Book a parking service for Schiphol Airport in 3 minutes with your desired parking dates and information using the online booking module.
Make a reservation online
Make a reservation through our website. This can be done within 3 minutes.
Drive to the designated location of Eazzypark
You will receive instructions by email on where we expect you.
Handover of your car
If you use valet parking, you hand over your car to the Eazzypark driver. With shuttle parking, you park the car yourself.
During your trip
While you are on your trip, your car is safely parked in our parking area.
Upon return, you report back to an Eazzypark employee. You will then receive further instructions.
Our locations
Location Schiphol
Eazzypark Schiphol has 2 off-airport locations: the closest one is just 5 minutes away from the departure halls. And the most accessible from all directions, only 10 minutes from the departure halls.
Location Eindhoven
Our Shuttle service parking lots at Eindhoven Airport are easily accessible from all directions, just 10 minutes from the departure hall. With our Valet service, you can drive right up to the departure hall of Eindhoven Airport.