Privacyverklaring Eazzypark B.V.

Privacy Policy

EazzyPark B.V. is responsible for the processing of personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

EazzyPark B.V. takes great care to ensure that the information you provide is treated carefully and confidentially and, of course, complies with all applicable regulations.

Contact Data: www.eazzypark.en
Luchthavenweg 67
5657 EA Eindhoven
telephone number: 040 2870007

Chamber of Commerce number: 60384115

Personal data that we process

EazzyPark B.V. may process personal data about you because:

– you use the services of EazzyPark B.V., e.g. by making a booking;

– and/or because you provide this information to EazzyPark B.V. when you complete the contact form or make a booking on the website after approving this privacy statement.

Below you will find an overview of the personal data processed by us:

– Company information

– Name and surname

– Gender

– Telephone number (mobile and/or fixed)

– E-mail address

– License plate car

– Information about your activities on our website

– Address details

– IP address

– Sector

– Subsector

– Purchase history

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process

Our website and/or services do not intend to collect information about visitors to the website under the age of 16 unless they have the consent of their parents or guardian. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. We encourage parents to participate in their children’s online activities to prevent information about children from being collected without their parents’ consent. If you believe that we have collected personal information about a minor without this consent, please contact us at and we will delete that information.

For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?

EazzyPark B.V. processes your personal data in order to be able to contact you by telephone if you wish and/or in order to be able to contact you in writing (by e-mail and/or post) if you cannot be reached unexpectedly by telephone.

EazzyPark B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes:

– Processing your bookings;

– The provision of our services;

– Marketing;

– To inform you;

– Advertise.

Processing your bookings and providing our services

– The processing of your booking, where your booking is booked in our system and we plan when we must provide our services for you.

– Call us or send us an e-mail if this is necessary for the provision of our services.

When you make a booking with EazzyPark B.V., we need your details and the details of your vehicle in order to process your booking. We process your name, phone number and the registration number of your car to make our planning and provide you with the right services at the right time. Your telephone number and e-mail address will be stored to confirm the booking and – if necessary – to contact you and provide information about the processing of your booking.


– Dispatch of our newsletter and offers by e-mail.

– Mailing to survey your customer satisfaction through a customer satisfaction survey.

– Marketing analyses and optimisations with the aim of providing you with the best possible information about our products and services.


When you subscribe to our newsletter, we store your name and e-mail address in order to send you the newsletter. This happens monthly. In order to test the quality of our newsletter and online services, we send a quality survey to all newsletter recipients once or twice a year. We keep records of the area you work in so that we can send the right emails to the right people.

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link in each mail to unsubscribe from the newsletter.


The website of EazzyPark B.V. collects your data in order to improve our website. This is done via Google Analytics. This information is collected via your IP address. This includes information about the length of your website visit or the specific pages of our website that you visit.

To inform you

– Find out more about our services.

– Sending messages to the household.


– Processing of letters of application and CVs

Processing of applications

When we receive letters of application and CVs from individuals, we will treat this information with care. Data from letters of application and CVs will only be used to assess the applicant and possibly to invite him to interviews.

Letters of application and CVs from people who do not pass the initial selection will be removed from our database within four weeks of completion of the application process. The letters of application and CVs of applicants invited by us to an interview will be removed from our database within two months of completion of the application process. Open applications will be kept for one year.

Automated decision making

EazzyPark B.V. does not make decisions on matters which, based on automated processing, may have (significant) consequences for individuals. These are decisions made by computer programs or systems without the participation of any human being (e.g. an employee of EazzyPark B.V.).

EazzyPark B.V. uses the following computer programs or systems:

  • MailChimp;
  • Exact;
  • Parkingpro;

Scope of personal data

EazzyPark B.V. only uses personal data within the European Economic Area (EEA), in particular in the Netherlands.

How long we store personal data

EazzyPark B.V. does not store your personal data for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories of) personal data:

– The processing of bookings and the provision of services: in accordance with the tax retention obligation of the tax authorities.

– Marketing: up to 2 years after the last contact time.

– Newsletter (special marketing activities): until you unsubscribe from the newsletter.

– Information: up to 2 years after the last contact time.

– Letter of application / curriculum vitae: up to 1 or 2 months after completion of the procedure.

– Open applications: maximum 1 year.

Passing on personal data to third parties

EazzyPark B.V. passes on your personal data to various third parties if this is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract and for the fulfilment of legal obligations. If necessary, we conclude a processing contract with companies that process your data on our behalf in order to guarantee the same security and confidentiality of your data. EazzyPark B.V. remains responsible for these processes.


Category Name Jurisdictions Purpose Data type
Newsletter MailChimp Data processing News distribution Email address
Analysis Google Analytics Activity processing Analysis of website activities IP address
Forms and Bookings WordPress Data processing Providing services and, if necessary, addressing contacts First name and surname
Telephone number
Email address
License plates
Analysis Hotjar Data access Analysis of online activities First and last name

Phone number

E-mail address

IP address


Cookies or similar techniques that we use

EazzyPark B.V. only uses technical, functional and analytical cookies that do not infringe your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your comfort. They make sure that the website works properly and remember your preferred settings, for example. It also allows us to optimize our website. You can refuse the use of cookies by setting your Internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete any information previously stored in your browser’s settings.

Google Analytics

EazzyPark B.V. uses Google Analytics to track how users use the site and how effective Google Adwords ads from EazzyPark B.V. are in Google search results pages. The information obtained in this way, including the address of your computer (IP address), is transmitted to Google and stored by Google on servers in the USA. For more information, please see Google’s privacy policy. The privacy policy of Google Analytics can be found here. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or as far as third parties process this data on behalf of Google. EazzyPark B.V. has no influence on this. EazzyPark B.V. has not granted Google permission to use the analysis information obtained through EazzyPark B.V. for other Google services.

Displaying, changing, or deleting data

You have the right to access, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data by EazzyPark B.V. and you have the right to transmit your data. This means that you can ask us in writing to send your personal data stored by us in a computer file to you or to another organisation designated by you.

You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, transmission of your (personal) data or a revocation of your consent or objection regarding the processing of your personal data to the e-mail address .

To ensure that the request comes from you, please attach a copy of your identity card to the request. In this copy make your passport photo, MRZ (machine-readable zone, the strip with the numbers at the bottom of the passport), the passport number and the citizen service number (BSN) black. This serves to protect your privacy.

We will answer your request as soon as possible, but in any case within four weeks.

EazzyPark B.V. also points out that you have the possibility to lodge a complaint with the national data protection authority, the authority for personal data. You can do this via the following link:

How we protect personal information

EazzyPark B.V. takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized alteration. If you have the impression that your data is not secure or there is evidence of misuse, please contact us at

Changes to this Privacy Policy

EazzyPark B.V. reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy and our Privacy Policy. A change is always published directly on our website. We therefore recommend that you read our privacy policy regularly so that you are aware of any changes.


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